Contacts Regions and Clubs





Mike Slater








Robin Horner

Per the NOTRA bylaws, "Club Representatives shall be elected or appointed by the Club Members. Each Club Member shall advise the Secretary-Treasurer in writing of the name, address, and telephone numbers of its representative". To facilitate updates in contact information, please fill out this form. Information entered in the form will automatically be sent to the appropriate NOTRA Board Members as well as the appropriate NOTRA Regional representative. If there is update in other club contact information (like websites, Facebook links, etc), please enter that information in the free text portion of the form.


BCWRC- British Columbia Whippet Racing Club, Mission, BC Canada
  NOTRA rep*: Gale Lyttle Race Secretary:

SWEPT - Silken Windhounds for Endurance, Performance & TrainingWashington
  NOTRA REP: Karen Sanders,   Race Secretary: Karen Sanders,

WWRC - Washington Whippet Racing Club
NOTRA rep: Jeff Bradley   Race Secretary: Mary Williams

WWWA - Western Washington Whippet Association, Lake Tapps, WA
  NOTRA rep: Elise Cranshaw   Race Secretary: Elise Cranshaw
  Web Site: "Western Whippet Association"

Northwest - inactive

ORCC- Olympia Racing and Coursing Club Lacey, WA
  NOTRA rep*:Laurel Behnke

Sighthound Club of British Columbia, Mission, BC Canada
NOTRA rep: Ann Fessenden

WRAG - Whippet Running Activities Group, runs All Breeds
  NOTRA rep: Karen Saunders   Race sec'y: Karen Sanders


BCOA/BCOSW -Basenji Club of America / Basenji Club of Southwestern Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
  NOTRA rep: Jan Cook
  Race Secretary: Terry Colbert
  Basenji Club of Southwestern Wisconsin

IWC Indiana Whippet Club, Brownsburg, IN
  NOTRA rep- Trent Rees
  Race Secretary- Kim Rees

MKC Medina Kennel Club
  NOTRA rep: Wayne Wagner
  Race Secretary: Julie Weir
  Great Lakes Whippet Racing Club

GSLWC- Greater St. Louis Whippet Club, Columbia, IL
  NOTRA rep: Sue Weilbacher
  Race Secretary: Sue Weilbacher

MWRA Mid-West Racing Association
  NOTRA rep: Lisa Argos
  Race Secretary: Lisa Argos

NARC Northland Amateur Racing Club, Bloomington, MN
  NOTRA rep: Amy Getsch
  Race Secretary: Ashley Caskey & Amy Getsch
  Northland Amateur Racing Club

SMWC - Show Me Whippet Club, Dorsey, IL
  NOTRA rep- Mike Slater
  Race Secretary: Kathy Slater
  Show Me Whippet Club on Facebook
  SMWC entries

TSWA- Tri-State Whippet Assoc, Louisville, KY
  NOTRA rep: Carolyn Perkins
  Race Secretary:

DARK Detroit Area Racing Klub, Lennon, MI
  NOTRA rep: Renee Baenen
  Race Secretary: Kelli Harmon & Echo Prafke-Marson
  Detroit Area Racing Klub

Midwest - Inactive

CCRR- Circle City Rag Racers, Carthage, IN
  NOTRA rep: Jerry Burrus

NSR - North Star Racing , Ramsey, MN
  NOTRA rep: Barb Hearley
  Race Secretary: Barb Hearley


COBRA -- Count Basie Racing Association, Flemington, NJ. Races primarily other breeds.
  NOTRA REP: Jen Price
  Race Secretary: Jen Price,
  Yahoo group:

EWA, Eastern Whippet Association, Randolph, NJ. Races primarily whippets.
  NOTRA REP: George Allen,
  Race Secretary - Jackie Hilsky

JRRWA - Jersey Rag Racers Whippet Association, Salisbury, MD
  NOTRA REP: Mary Lou Roselli
  Race Secretary: Irene Matusz
  Jersey Rag Racers Whippet Association

LVCC - Lehigh Valley Coursing Club, Phillipsburg, NJ.  Races primarily other breeds.
  NOTRA REP: Terri Jones ,
  Race Secretary: Tracy Rudzitis
   Lehigh Valley Coursing Club

NWC - Niagara Whippet Club, Fort Niagara State Park, NY
  NOTRA REP: Julian Data
  Race Secretary: Bonnie Data


Northeast – Inactive

MAIGC - Mid-Atlantic Italian Greyhound Club of Central Maryland, Phillipsburg, NJ
  NOTRA REP: Terri Jones
  Race Secretary:


RCRA - River City Racing Association, Oroville, CA
   NOTRA rep: Diane Johnson
   Race Secretary: Lisa Voss

NFH Northstate Flyin' Hounds, Redding, CA. Races all breeds.
  NOTRA rep: Genny Holland
  Race sec'y whippets: Genny Holland
  Race sec'y OB: Pam Fredieu

RMSW - Rocky Mountain Sporting Whippets, Peyton, CO
   NOTRA rep:
   Race Secretary: Linda Sanders

Southwest - inactive

RMBC - Rocky Mountain Borzoi Club, at the Zoiboyz Ranch, Falcon, CO inactive 2018

NCWC- Northern California Whippet Club, Sonoma, CA. Runs whippets
  NOTRA rep: Kathy Kelly
  Race sec'y: Kathy Kelly

SCWA- Southern California Whippet Association, Orange, CA. Races whippets.
  NOTRA rep: Kim Otero
  Race sec'y whippets: Emily Sanders   Race sec'y OBs: Justin Dannenbring


Paris Organization of Sighthounds, Paris, TX
   NOTRA rep: Celeste Wilcox   Race Secretary: Celeste Wilcox
   POSSE on Facebook

Southcentral inactive

Oklahoma Racing and Coursing Association,Vinita, OK
  ORCA on Facebook (closed group)

GIT, Gazehounds In Texas
   NOTRA rep: Vicky Frey    Race Secretary: Victor Whitlock


SOL - Sighthounds On the Lam, Ridgeway, SC
  NOTRA rep - Randi Jackson   Race Secretary: Joanne Stewart (whippets) and Jennifer Ng (OB)
  SOL on Facebook

SOMOS - Southern Most Sighthounds, Jacksonville, FL
  NOTRA rep: Penny Bolt
  Race Secretary: Penny Bolt
  Southern Most Sighthounds

Southeast – Inactive

MAWA - Metropolitan Atlanta Whippet Association, Atlanta, GA
  NOTRA rep: Mike Hattery
Race Secretary:
   Metropolitan Atlanta Whippet Association

CLCS - Carolina Lure Coursing Club
  NOTRA rep: Robin Horner
  Race Secretary: Krystyl Lyons
  Carolina Lure Coursing Club

SWAG- Southern Whippets and Gazehounds, Charlotte, NC
  NOTRA rep - Bruce Irvine
  Race Secretary - Joanne Stewart